WinXP/2K tip of the day #9


This is true of both WinXP and Win2k, I don't know what else. I've used it once or twice myself.

9) Help is just a directory away! - Tip
In windows XP pro at C:\Windows\help - you will find many *.chm files. These are the help files. Just start one up and find what your looking for without going thru the main help menu. If for example you are interested in command line tools or command line references start up the ntcmds.chm file. If you use command line a lot for things just create a shortcut on your desktop to this file and it there when you need it.

You could go thru the Help thing to find these but on the home version some are not linked in some of the help. This is shorter.


Moderator from Hell
So they're actually more useful than the Win98 "troubleshooter help" that ask you to check that you actually have the printer plugged in?? ;)


Staff member
Would it disable the OS if I were to delete all the help files in \WinNT\Help ?


Staff member
Yes, but that wasn't the point of the post. I just want to know if it's going to kill Win2k if I delete the help files. They're taking up 14 megs of space.


No, Windows shuold be fine with out teh help, just don't go looking for help and you should be fine.


Staff member
I'm the last person to need help from Windows... if anything, it's Windows who needs help from me :D


Staff member
Ditto :grin:

Right now, Windows 2000 needs my help. It's sick, and it needs to be put to sleep.

Anyone have or know of a cheap hardware modem for sale that will work with Linux? :smash: