What game are you currently playing?


Staff member
Im STILL playing RTCW. Man the special guards are just kicking my butt.....


Staff member
heh...I've been playing Baldurs Gate (the first one) on the PC and Jak and Daxter on the PS2.
UT baby!!!

UT is the bombay yo!

In all seriousness UT and Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic are my main games


Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Finished RTCW. Playing Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal(I'm in the final sequence can't kill Melissan arrggh :mad: ), Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter and reinstalled Panzer Commander.


I play <a href="http://www.planetquake.com/arena">RA3</a>, a Q3A modification.

I still haven't beaten RtCW yet, but then again, I never play it. I don't figure I have much left to do, my friend told me I was pretty close actually.

Then I've got C&C Renegade, which has more bugs in it than any version of Windows.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
>>The game of life...it sucks too.<< It wouldn't suck if you were better at it.:whip:

I am playing Pool of Radiance 2 (SSI). Pulling hair out do to the friggen crashes too!

Just finished Medal of Honor. Cheated heavily on mission 6. Now on to try the multiplayer portion.