Whacked story of the day


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
[quoteurl=http://www.wnbc.com/news/1535347/detail.html]Deer Attacks Driver At Gas Pump
Wildlife Officials Search For Explanation

UPDATED: 8:32 a.m. EDT June 28, 2002

MARION, Ohio -- James Warren has played the scenario over and over in his mind, trying to come up with an explanation as to why he was attacked by a deer while pumping gasoline.

"I'm not sure why it wanted me anyway," Warren said. "It was pretty scary."

It was 10 p.m. when Warren, 26 (pictured, left), pulled into a BP station, he told a Columbus television station.

He was planning a trip to Cedar Point the next morning, so he wanted to check the oil in his car. Then he said that he heard something running. He looked up and saw the deer charging at him from 15 feet away.

"His antler struck my elbow right there on my funny bone," Warren said. "But he would have killed me if I wouldn't have ducked. His antler would have gone right through my head." [/quoteurl]


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Bonus whackage...

[quoteurl=http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/06/28/mountaineer.cellphone.reut/index.html]BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) -- A hiker is stranded in South America's Andes mountains when a blizzard begins. He reaches into his backpack for his cell phone -- only to find his prepaid minutes are up.

The Colombian mountaineer slowly begins freezing to death, surviving for 24 hours with his only warmth coming from carefully measured doses of brandy. Then suddenly, at above 12,500 feet, Leonardo Diaz hears a familiar ring.

Out of nowhere, a phone company solicitor is calling on his cell phone, asking if he would like to buy more time.