Watch out flavio!


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
They're watching you! :eek:

[quoteurl=]They know where you go

OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 9 — In about a month, traffic sensors being installed along San Francisco Bay area highways will be able to track a quarter million drivers along their commutes. Proponents say the $37 million enhancement to the region’s electronic toll system will be a boon to commuters, providing motorists real-time information about some of the nation’s worst road congestion via cell phone, radio or Internet. Traffic planners will be able to gather crucial data on problem areas. But despite government assurances, the new program is also raising fears that drivers’ privacy will be invaded. [/quoteurl]


Staff member
That does seem a little weird. I still haven't got around to using FastTrak yet though.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
it's similar to the EZ Pass at the toll roads. those are nothing but GPS tansponders.