Trivia #2

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Only 5 question today.

1.Most vehicales today have an SRS-hopefully two. What is it?

2.In what year did Gilles Villeneuve win the Canaidan Grand Prix?

3.General Motors opened its Canadian assembly plant here in 1965.

4.Archie and Edith Bunker sang about the virtues of this old car in the All in Family theme song.

5.Cadillac was unique in the industry for this in 1908. The company won the Dewar Trophy in Englind and earned the sobriquet "Standard of the World" after three of eight Cadillacs were disassembled, then re-assembled and driven at top speed for 500 miles. What was the reason Cadillac won the award?


Staff member
1.) I believe this is the code name for the quick eject seat in Pintos
2.) 1972
3.) Windsor
4.) Edsel
5.) winshield wipers?


Staff member
1.) airbags
2.) 1978
3.)Ste. Therese
4.) LaSalle
5.) "self starting"

...what do I win?

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah

As for your prize, you get to pay my bill for the new intake manifold on my car.


Staff member
Looks like your car's gonna be broke for a long time. I hate this game, I never win anything. :smash:


Staff member
5.) the cars were disassembled and the parts were scrambled and the cars were then reassembled and run on a track.

If this is not the answer, I don't care, because I like Fords better anyway, and Cadillacs only got an integrated starter modified from a cash register because Harry Lelands friend died of complications due to injuries trying to start his car.

What do I win?


Mushroom at large
'sides, with all the work you just had done on your mustang, you sure you wanna chance driving 10 hrs round trip? Espescially since, if you make it here and break down, you can't even explain to the mechanic what's wrong? Hell, you can't even ask for a tank of gas.