System maintenance tonight!


I'm running a full system virus scan right now, going SO slow, then I'm going to defrag my 30gb drive.

I've not done either of this since I did the current install, I don't even know how long ago that was anymore, but MANY months anyways....


NAV-NT @ 99%

Defrag @ 0%

back to bed I go now, I should have stayed there in the first place, but oh well.


Shaddup, I fixed it dammit!

I'll tell you what happened with Speed Disk.... sit down and pull up a chair (or vice versa if you prefer).

  • 3:00a - Schedualed start
  • 7:00a - 7%.
  • 6:00p - 12%.
  • 6:30p - 12%. Nix installs The Sims while defrag is running. The drive was already chock full of shit to burn, it's a 30GB drive (27.8 really, stupid billion bytes!) and had less than 1.3 GB free before she installed The Sims.
  • 10:30p - 12%. After dropping Nix off, I checked to see how far Speed Disk had progressed. Yup, still at 12 freaking percent! It hadn't moved one inch and wasn'te ven doing anything. I still don't know if it ever would have finished, I then exited it, saying I would do it when I get some 80min cds to burn the 20 GB of games and music sitting on my drive. I figure it's prolly not even safe to run defrag on a drive with 6.4%, might make smoke come out something!