statsman is pissing me off


Staff member
No, I just suddenly got a hard on for it :D

No really. It's only updates sporadically, NOT every 3 hours. It couldn't possibly be accurate. It only gave me credit for one gene in a 12 hour period. (when I actually witnessed 3 genes upload). I actually ended up with 5 genes for a 24 hour period, so I did get credit....but my machines put out 6 genes in a 24 hour period, so it rooked me out of a gene. I realize the blame prolly belongs with Stanford, but I'm blaming statsman anyway...cuz, well, I just feel like it.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Yeah, the updates were really irregular for awhile, due to an issue at Stanford. Should be straightened out by now.


Staff member
Unless it just got straightened out it's NOT straightened out. There should be 9 updates daily. Yesterday there were 3. :(
...and the last update was midnite Stanford time.


Staff member
the noon update (12:30 my time) one gene again for a 12 hour period. :mad:

DAMN that statsman...damn him all to hell!


New Member
It's G@H's own stats page that's pissing me off. How can statsman be accurate if the official G@H stats are ****ed up?


Staff member
Here's an interesting little twist to the stats (mine anyway) On the OCN team I'm in 52nd place and Research Monkey is in 51st. We have the same number of genes, and he has a little over a hundred units more than me. According to a13's stats, it will take me roughly 5 1/2 years to pass him. :D



New Member
Originally posted by Q
No, I just suddenly got a hard on for it :D

...when I actually witnessed 3 genes upload...

Q you need to get out more often :rolleyes:

...anywhoose, nice dump !!!

So much for the 5.5 years, I am looking forward to battle with you. :retard:


Staff member
I added a half a gig the a13 predictions, you should be in trouble in about 2 years :D I'm shooting for a couple weeks.:evillaff:


New Member
I love the competition, keep it up, force me into financial ruin, I already have 1 of the kids in hawk at the pawnshop.

...Well don't think your the first woman to do this to me.

I find that women have one of two goals when it comes to me, that is to F*** me one way or the other. :) / :cry: