Really Messed up Now!


Everday People
OK I have tried to reformat my hard drive and now it won't let me?? It tells me that it needs to be partitioned and fdisked. I have NEVER tried that so could someone put it in plain language for me please.

I also tried throwing a 40gb new hd in it and it keeps showing I have NO new Hard drive? Maxtors both and one is a 20gb and the other the 40!:cry: :cry: :cry:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Start with the 98 start up disc. Once it's running, type FDisk. Yes for large support. I have forgotten the numbers, but you want to create a new partition (or more than one, up to you). It'll do it's thing & you'll restart.

After restart, type Format C: /S with the spaces. Follow the on screen instructions. After it done, restart & say yes to CD rom. After it's up, type C:, then Setup. It should install from there.


as for your 40GB not being seen, suggest you get the latest BIOS for the board, or using a utility such as ezbios


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
You can Fdisk the 40GB too & avoid the EZBios stuff, if you so choose. It's just quicker (generally) with it.


Everday People
I get up this morning after running a scan disk last night and all was fine until I (think) I tried to install the mobo software and now I'm back in dos mode and trying to run set up again.

How do I bake a bios start up disk anyway?


Everday People
OK got it to start reloading windows AGAIN and if I'm not mistaken it will go ok but what am I doing wrong as it will not show the darn dos thing until I try to install my mobo cd? Should I leave it out? I know stupid question but it is tempting me big time to just throw in the sound and graphics cd's and go from there.BD


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
you'll need to get the latest drivers from your mobo (or computer) maker.


Everday People
OK thnx and the last for now I hope :).

I am already to close the case as it downloaded fine,partitioned worked with no problem using the Maxtor disk and all is going in ok except for the thing not being able to go into 800x600 and more so I take it that is the mobo that controls that?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Probably you are still missing the AGP miniport driver for your mobo.

BD, have you got the driver disk for this mobo? Unfortunately, EUPA's domain has expired (i.e., they're gone).