Networking Guru's please line up


Staff member
I will with any luck be firing up and networking my new T-Bird on Saturday. Just thought I'd give y'all tine to prepare and cancel any previous committments. I expect I'll need expert assistance. TIA :)

*also, somebody needed to break this forum in* :D


Staff member
It's a big 'un too! :cool: It's my anniversary present...cuz really, what says love more effectively than a large monitor?

That was my sales pitch. I should work for Hallmark®, huh? :D


Staff member
Ya know what NEO? The old boy sneered at me the whole time I was putting this new machine together...but I got a plexiglass case for it, and after he saw all the stuff actually installed in the case, he says "hey, that's really cool, you shoulda let me help" and then he wanted to install one of the fans...I wouldn't let him :p :D


Staff member
Sorry HomeLAN...I never got the monitor on Friday, in fact I still don't have it. The guy I'm getting it from came over Monday and helped me hook some stuff up, but he and my husband ended up getting buzzed, which brought computer building 101 to a rather abrupt halt. I should have called just to let you know, I'm really sorry.
I'm still stewing about the whole thing.