My computer crashed


New Member
Ok, so it's technically not my computer, but it's the one I normally use.
Being that I'm computer illiterate, and yet I registered here, I really don't know what happened.

Apparently my girlfriend's daughter, who is computer wise, received an email from someone she didn't know, didn't open it and went to delete it from her Outlook mailbox.
When she pushed 'delete' that activated the virus, and slowly the comp started to show signs of trouble.
She downloaded a virus cleaner, and things got better until it just crashed the other day.

We have a friend who pretty much re-built the comp from the one that actually came home from the store, and knows how to fix it, but he won't be able to be here until the weekend.

Have you heard of a virus that installs when you try to delete it?

I won't be able to get on this one as often as a would like, say it may take a while to respond to any questions you may have.


Staff member
Never heard of a virus that activates upon a delete, but I have had some virii that activated on their own, seemingly without me even selecting them in the email list.

Did the email client have the Preview pane on?


New Member
I don't know, I wasn't home when any of the events happened, I'm just reporting what they have told me.

She (gf's daughter)is embarrased and upset about the whole thing.
She prides herself as a computer whiz, and can't believe she allowed this to happen, even though she did nothing wrong.. She feels responsible, and doesn't want to talk about it.


Staff member
Virus makers are getting sneakier and sneakier by the day... :/