must have?


I coulda swore I posted this already but I can't remember where *L*

Anyway, I bought a PS2 for my kids and I'd like to get some info from y'all on what's the "must have" games? My kids are 8, 10 and 14 and they already have Harry Potter and Cool Boarders 2 (thanks to ku'u) ... I need to beef up my game collection :)


New Member
I have no idea what kids want these days, I was happy with Pac-Man, Centipede, Frogger and Dig Dug.


PAC MAN!!!! I kicked a** in Pac Man .. and Asteroids! WOOHOO!!! .. sometimes I miss the 80's...


Staff member
I have a PS2. I would say Tony Hawk 3 is a must have, SSX Tricky is the best snowboarding game out there, and Final Fantsay X to round it out.

Oh oh...I picked up Jax and Daxter for Christmas and it's really cool and kid friendly as well.

Whatever you do, don't waste money on bad games. Go to and look over the reviews for the PS2 games...I don't buy anything that doesn't at least have a 8.0 rating. You can also look through the review archives of the Playstation 1 games for some good budget titles.


thanks for the info, flavio - my son is dying for Tony Hawk 3 ... I'm just waiting for it to go onsale :D


New Member
I have a playstation (just psx) and I buy all of my games for around 3 bucks. A very good investment, since most everyone has a cd-burner now-a-days is to buy a mod chip, and solder it on your board. I had bought a mod chip like 2 years ago, and just sort of threw it in the closet. Then couple of months ago, decided to put it on, with the help of my dad (he used to solder for a company) he soldered it on with the instructions, and now I just rent my psx games, and burn them with CDR-WIN, and there I have any game I want, for cheap. They have some mod chips out for PS2, but they're sort of pricy, but at 50 bucks a pop for a game, 80 dollars doesnt seem that bad.

check it out


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Now Exile, we know you just meant all those things as a metaphor. Since people don't do such illegal activities in REAL life, right? RIGHT????

Of course Xibase doesn't condone such actions:lol:


New Member
Right Gonzo, sorry I was just telling a story of an imaginary friend, that did these imaginary things. For some reason i thought this post said "share your stories of your imaginary friends" because of course I would in NO WAY download games for free, or download music files, or burn psx games, its just not me :p