Mouse or Tablet


New Member
I'm presently using an optical mouse when working in Bryce or PSP etc but I've been thinking of getting a graphics tablet. What do you guys prefer to use ?

Thanks, Dog :)


Staff member
Optical w/ tail. I've tried a cordless before, and maybe it's just me, but I couldn't stand the lag. Too damn slow for my tastes.


Staff member
I got the RF cordless from logitech no lag here. Works great in games too...


New Member
By the looks of it there's no point in getting a tablet but if I did, what, if anything, does a tablet do better than a mouse ?

Thanks, Dog :)


Staff member
a tablet might be a little more precise, not sure ive never used one.


Staff member
Usually, you can draw things on tablets easier than you can draw them with a mouse, and most tablets come with pressure sensitive touch screens so you can do neat stuff like fade colors depending on how hard you're pressing down on the screen. With a mouse, there is only an on and an off state for the button.


Staff member
Fury got it. I have a Wacom Intuos pad and it comes in real handy for pressure sensitive functions. The main thing is that you can draw, trace edges, write, etc as if you were using a regular pen or pencil instead of moving a big mouse around.

For a quick test just try signing your name or writing the alphabet with your mouse...I doubt it will look very good.


New Member
Thanks for all the info. I guess my final question is, what is a good make of tablet to consider buying, it'll only be used for recreation when working within graphics programs and therefore does need to be anything too flash or expensive ?

Thanks, Dog :)