I don't understand how he survives this


Staff member
This annoyingly slow hard drive in dad's home computer... ugh

*chiggety chigala churn churn churn chiggechiggechiggaligata chiggety churn churn chalunk chiggety churn-chig* goes on for at least 20 seconds whenever anything is opened

takes 5 minutes to load Windows 98

sorry, just needed to vent a little plasma.


Noite Escura

The unpredictable
We have tons of crap like that here in office. Lots of Pentium 100s with 32MB and 850 MB HD running Win98. That really pisses me off when I have to use some of those monsters.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Yeah, we've still got a few of those. Mine's one of the better ones in my office (P3 550). Only the sales pukes get the really nice stuff (P3 900 laptops with built-in DVD's the last go around 0 why the hell they need DVD in a business laptop is beyond me, but...).