Flash of lightning, BOOM!

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
What do you do when the power goes out? It happens here too often, we had a storm rush through here just an hour after I finished umpiring my baseball game, and of course our power goes out while the houses across the street stay on! It never fails, our power goes out more than twice as often as theirs. I found myself playing solitare with a deck of cards by candlelight while listening to the radio because, well, with the power out there just isn't much to do. It just bugs the hell out of me that because of a 10-15 minute downpour we lose power for 2 hours. :mad:


Staff member
we don't lose power quite as often here... maybe once in a great while (unless a supercell decides to trample our city) and it's usually for just 3 minutes. Some cases have been as long as 20 minutes, that's as long as I've ever experienced.

But when we do have power outages, I love it, because it gives me a reason to reboot.

The built-in UPS on my power strip doesn't seem to last very long, usually just enough time to hit the power button a few times on both my computers and hope they shut off before any data is lost. It would usually last 10-20 minutes, but I have a 250w power supply Duron system, 400w power supply T-bird system, 2 monitors, and one set of 400w speakers on it :D