Finding Nemo


New Member
Finding Nemo comes out today :spin:

Umm ... yeah ... I didn't buy it for me ... umm ... it's for my 17-month old daughter ... yeah ... that's it ;)


New Member
And speaking of Nemo ...

A coworker brought in her sick son today ... which is normally not a problem. We're a family office, so bringing in your kids is not a big deal.

The problem is that her son is watching Finding Nemo on one of the company laptops ... which also isn't a big deal. The big deal is that he is not wearing headphones, and he's sitting right behind me. *roll eyes*

Some people are so fricken' inconsiderate.
*blasts the music in my headphones*


New Member
It seems like if the kid's too sick to go to school, he would also be too sick to be taken to work with his mom or dad. I'm sure you really want to catch whatever he's got.


Felix Culpa
Just saw Finding Nemo on Friday night. Excellent flick, and Ellen deGeneris does a fabulous job on the voice of "..." can't remeber the name of the fish-character.

Saw it after my kid was asleep, but we still have it downstairs just in case he's interested :)

Lots of good inside jokes for the adults..much like many of Disney's recent flicks.


why isn't he wearing headphones? I know she has some in that cabinet - I see them every time I go in there to steal office supplies :D


Staff member
I see Inky's point...if he's to sick to go to school isn't she risking making everyone in the office sick by bringing him there?