FAO Posty


New Member
My Laptop with Debian base installed had to be enrolled in LinuxDiscussions annonymous! I guess it's a co-dependency problem.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I spent a time on the phone with the upstrem in Grants Pass. They practically begged me to come back. Basically, I told them where they could stick it. For the last few weeks, when I've had the time, I've been looking into other hosting solutions. Most likely, I will be going with F5 and get a basic plan with them. But I'm going to wait a few more weeks as I've got mid terms coming up and a few other things going on...plus I gotta sit down and figure out the taxes....joy. Fear not though, Linux Discussion is going to be coming back. This time, I'm caning the dreamweaver interface and will get some fluffage help with this portal thinger. :lol: Looks like it could be a really cool way to work a website.


Psycho Penguin
PostCode said:
I spent a time on the phone with the upstrem in Grants Pass. They practically begged me to come back. Basically, I told them where they could stick it. For the last few weeks, when I've had the time, I've been looking into other hosting solutions. Most likely, I will be going with F5 and get a basic plan with them. But I'm going to wait a few more weeks as I've got mid terms coming up and a few other things going on...plus I gotta sit down and figure out the taxes....joy. Fear not though, Linux Discussion is going to be coming back. This time, I'm caning the dreamweaver interface and will get some fluffage help with this portal thinger. :lol: Looks like it could be a really cool way to work a website.
Cool. I f you need any help, just shout. How about hosting costs? Maybe the mods should all chip in?


Psycho Penguin
Hey Posty, I dont know if you have ever seen http://www.linuxsalute.com/ before, I have started to use this site as my daily checkin for new code. It saves visiting the Gnome, Linuxapps and kernel sites for new updates.


New Member
Not a bad idea dnar. Give back a little from all that I have learned? Sure!

By the way, what's a good backup utility for my RedHat system? Dnar, I followed your above link and looked at Mondo. Either cdrw/cdr or zip compatible?


Psycho Penguin
danleff said:

By the way, what's a good backup utility for my RedHat system? Dnar, I followed your above link and looked at Mondo. Either cdrw/cdr or zip compatible?
I have not used Mondo, I will try and take a look, once I finish building this workstation for my buddie wylie. (He is starting a new businsess and has taken my advise re: using a 100% Linux network! w00t!).

I use cdrecord (backend) and cdr-roast (frontend) to archive my "tar" backups. Works well. See my thread at LinuxDiscussions on how to do this....... :rolleyes:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Thanks for the offer guys but I'll pay for the hosting myself. No biggie. :) I'll let everone know when she's back online and ready for some vists though. SHould only be a few weeks, maybe three.


New Member
Your alright PostCode! Trying the build this Debian on little Lin has been a challenge! Too many dependencies (oops, there's that dependency thing again). Does this qualify as building from scratch? oh ohh.. the screen is fading out from time to time...does this mean???? That IBM Thinkpad is looking aweful nice at TigerDirect @ $999. I'm making the wife nervous! Will you guys back me up?

Dnar, thanks for the feedback. This is one area I need to bone up on. When Linuxdiscussions comes back up, I'll check it out.


Psycho Penguin
PostCode:- I just followed your link to Bios Central. Nice. I now understand your nick name ;)

BTW, type on the "About Us" page - "hte". Re-write it out 1000 times please. :laugh:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
That's the site I've been ever slowly working on for the past three years. Just dived in for another year. hehe


Psycho Penguin
PostCode said:
That's the site I've been ever slowly working on for the past three years. Just dived in for another year. hehe
Pretty informative site m8ee. Why no AMD mobo's listed?

[prepare for AMD .vs. Intel flame thread]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Psycho Penguin
fury said:
You going with F5hosting for LD? Good choice, these guys r0x0r! :D
Absolutely. Tell me of another hosting provider that will come to your forum in person to advise of scheduled maintenance outages.... :cool:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
dnar said:
PostCode said:
That's the site I've been ever slowly working on for the past three years. Just dived in for another year. hehe
Pretty informative site m8ee. Why no AMD mobo's listed?

[prepare for AMD .vs. Intel flame thread]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Because Intel uses Phoenix with their motherboards. Award and AMI are companies that have pretty much standard procedures that their BIOS' use to initalize a PC, whereas Phoenix is a propreitary implementation. Each Phoenix BIOS is developed specifically for that motherboard uaually and the codes for them can vary quite a bit. Most AMD based boards use either Award or AMI for their BIOS.

But then again, there is absolutely no way I can list every single motherboard out there from every company. I just don't have the time for that. It would take the next five years just to get the information on all the motherboards out there now posted...besides, I think I would run outta room by then. hehe