Bad Luck...Post your story


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
My worst streak ran for about three weeks. It started out with me going to work one night. Driving my car, I approached a set of railroad tracks that the scrap train runs on (At the time I was working for Oregon Steel Mills). I checked both ways for a train but didn't see one. There are no crossing lights here as it's on their property. I look to the right, but the only lights I can see are from the scrap yard. I proceed across the tracks and find myself suddenly going sideways with a tremendous jolt. I look to my right and the only thing I see is the hitch to the train where passenger would be. The train pushed my car down about 150 feet or so (he was only going about a quarter of mile per hour) and finally comes to a stop. When he stops, I jump out and move to one side. I'm standing there and staring at my car, smoking a cigarette thinking "Shit, my car....It's totaled." Meanwhile, the conductor dosen't see me in the car so he immediately calls for medical assitance. Within five minutes, there is life flight, about 15 cop cars, two or three ambulances, and some half dozen or so fire trucks...after a few minutes, they piece together that I'm the guy who owns the car. The paramedic is asking me all these questions and the only thing I'm thinking is "My's totalled....". So about a week later I get a brand spankin' new Honda CRX, midnight black, kick ass stereo system installed the next day. About two weeks after I got it, I was downtown Portland one night and this street cleaner truck comes screamin' around this corner and drives over the top of my brand new car. The car was parked on a corner, where the lighting sucked. He pulls a sharp right and WHAM.. I of course hear it from inside the building (I was visiting a friend at his work) run outside and find my car..half munched.. I actually started to cry....then I got real pissed. Started screamin at the driver. Calling him names and stuff. My bud had to keep me in check as the cops would soon be there and me going off on the driver would not have looked all that great. So anyway, within a few weeks I had two cars completely totaled...My next car was a POS beast...damn thing lastest for ever but at the time I refused to buy another new car. I eventually did buy a new car again. A Chevy Caprice. I had to buy a new car for the sake of the kids. Relying on a old clunker was not an option. :) Now, people kinda look at me wierd when I tell them I've been hit by a train. :)


Staff member
don't have time at the moment to add my story, but I just had to say wow. :eek:


Staff member

when I read that story it makes my flaming Celeron incident seem like nothing.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
You should see peoples reaction. It a kick in the ass. :) "You were hit by a train?" Then they look at you and wonder how you can walk. :)


I met Outlaw69 <IMG SRC="laugh.gif" border="0">

well I didn't really meet him... but?
<font color="#333333">

[ June 16, 2001: Message edited by krusty ]