AOL = the next 800lb Gorilla?


Staff member
Trillian, a free client that connects to AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, and IRC all under the same program, and a godsend to the millions of people signed up for more than one IM service, is now being attacked by the internet and media giant AOL Time Warner.

[article=]America Online is blocking people using Trillian software from linking to its AOL Instant Messenger system. It's the latest move in a tug-of-war between the Web giant and the start-up.

People using the popular Trillian software may lose access to part of AOL Time Warner's instant messaging system.[/article]What do you think of this?

I think they are just turning into another Microsoft, trying to beat the competition down into the ground. I love Trillian. I use Trillian. I had to download a new version of Trillian to keep connected to AIM. Next thing you know, they'll start after Trillian doing connections to ICQ. They just gotta have their precious ad revenue.

They are one of the largest companies in the history of this planet; they could probably buy everybody and their mothers and still have money to spare. Why does losing a few bucks in having a handful of people on an IM client that doesn't display their flashing ad images matter so much to such a huge company? Is it really that necessary for AOLTW to attempt to destroy the growing community of Trillian users to get people to use their own software?

I will defend Trillian in this issue 100% unless they give in to whatever demands AOL makes. I'll even continue to download new versions if AOL keeps shutting out Trillian users.

Hell, I've even started connecting to the ICQ server again (still not using ICQ though. Using trillian :D) just to spite AOL's efforts to cripple Trillian.

What are your thoughts?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I've been living in a cave the past 2 or so years so I'll give Trillian a try. :o

AOL blows goats; they're as bad as M$, if not worse. :mad:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
They did this same crap to (I forgot who) about 2 years ago. Sorry, AOL, but I never turn AIM on anymore because YOU'RE TWITS...:banghead: :cuss: :smash2:


Staff member
I connect to aim through trillian... cause I have people I can only talk to on aim and not on anything else. if everyone I talked to would only use one instant messenger client, I would use that, but nonetheless, I'm signed up for all 4 services. (twice, for aim and icq :retard: )


Staff member
Damnit! They killed Trillian's connectivity to AIM again!

This is pissing me off :mad:


Staff member
Removed the download from my web space since it was made obsolete by AOL re-disabling Trillian connectivity :mad:


Staff member
.722 is still working... won't last long, methinks... I wonder if AOL has any legal pull in case they try to take this to the courts? I'd imagine the courts won't do anything since both AIM and Trillian are free software...


Staff member
Update: What the hell is this guy talking about? [article=,10738,2844439,00.html]Does Trillian meet a need? Certainly. I am on three instant-messaging services almost all the time. I'd love to have a single client that would allow me to maintain only a single contact list and enable me to send the same message to people on different services at the same time.

But it's not up to parasites like Trillian to make this possible.[/article]Who the hell is he to call Trillian a parasite? To say that is NO different than calling an IRC client that connects to multiple servers a parasite (in fact, Trillian does this too). To say that is practically blasphemous!

Trillian was constructed from one man's dream of having one communications center that allows you to use all 4 big instant messenger services as well as IRC, the best real-time chat service together in one client. Now AOL is spitting the dummy because of a few bucks lost in ad revenue. BOOHOO. You idiots, you make more money to throw around in a year than most people will make in their lifetimes! What the hell is with you obsessing over some flashy images promoting AOL? You have the world's largest online service. Isn't that enough for you greedy sons of bitches?

Happy now, winkster? :P


Staff member
Anyone having trouble connecting to yahoo, there is a solution: Preferences\Yahoo, change the server name to


New Member
Also, interestingly enough, I once read that when Napster was the hot topic, the single largest use of bandwidth on the campus of UC Berkeley wasn't Napster, or even web sites. It was ads on AIM.


Staff member
That's not surprising :rolleyes:

I've never clicked on an ICQ or AIM ad in my life. Never have, never will.


Staff member
Fury - Your Yahoo fix worked great. I just got a ton of old messages people tried to send me.