Anyone pick up War3 yet?


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Doom3/UT2 maybe...

I'll probably pick it up on the way home.


Staff member
I've been waiting for this game for years and now that it's out I have too many good games laying around that I haven't spent much time on. Just can't justify getting another one yet.

Maybe when I finish Final Fantasy X.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I found it @ $50 at a store near work. Graphics are upgraded but my suckage is still pretty high as war2 used to be. :shrug:


Staff member
oh man huge i want to get it but funds are a little tight right now.:( I guess i will have to live vicariously thru you for now.


Staff member
HUGE! You shoudl write a song about it! I always make brainsoft play your Quake With Me song when we're in the car. I absolutely LOVE your voice!


Staff member
oh so you got a song that should be on the site? i think so.... Ok nixy lets get to putting that song up here.:)


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I never claimed it was me; it was either sin2 or someone else on the old fusetalk boards. I just said at the time that it should be the official song of xi...

Besides my voice is hideous. :(


Staff member
Now he says he was never sure it was you, he always had his doubts about the song.

Oh well, whoever it is has a nice voice and I'm sure that you have a nice voice aswell.

Maybe we can use clues from the song to determine who it is. The have been on the net since 92, when they made they song they had cable internet and a P266 with I believe 64mB of RAM...

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Huge said:
I never claimed it was me; it was either sin2 or someone else on the old fusetalk boards(
Are you sure it was made by someone of the board? There aren't many choices left then... sin,flavio,Outlaw,krusty maybe D5?