Recent content by Black_Hawk9

  1. B

    Who is Overclocking???

    NEO, what bird you got, and what board is it on?
  2. B

    PC speaker 'clicks' 2-5 times @ every power on

    run scandisk, sounds like a disk problem is about to occur hope I'm wrong
  3. B

    is it really worth it?

    Should be a huge diff in mem bandwitdh from PC100 SDram to PC2100 DDR. Course if you aren't max'in out your current setup, you'll hardly notice the diff. :worm:
  4. B

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    ahh, your beer is safe around me, tonight. Looks like I'll be hanging around with my good buddy Jack Daniels. :D
  5. B

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Ohh, thanks all, I could use a bite or two, missed supper to check out this place. Something smells good. :p Yes I'm incognito...
  6. B

    just an idea
